Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Addition of Decimals

This week, our teacher was teaching us how to do decimals in algorithms. First, I found it hard but then - I got it! I have done a screencastify of me doing one of the equations. I think I got it right? We had to it in separate rooms around the school because it was a lot more quiet. First, you have to start at the hundredths and then you move up to the tenths and so on.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Korora Life Cycle

 This Term our inquiry topic is korora which is little blue penguins. Two weeks ago we did a penguin survey. I can't wait to see the results. I hope that there is a lot around Gisborne.

 This week I did a penguin life cycle. Here is a picture of it. I did this for my writing workshop, everyone in my group had to do it but it was fun.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Finding Fractions of a Whole number

 Last week we learnt how to find fractions of a whole number. I had to make a screencastify of me solving one of the equation.I was in the learning pit but then after a while I got out and I felt great.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Penguins survey

 Yesterday we went to douglas and moana street to deliver survey's to find out if people have seen little blue penguins. It was sort of hard but It was fun. There were three groups there was two for douglas street and one for moana rd. I went with one of the douglas groups.

So we started with at least two surveys each but I got three. Zoe didn't let me do my friends house but at least I got to do start with three. But the good thing was we all got another one so I got four overall.